Sterling SSP 5 Marine Battery User Manual

3.2. Con trol ler SSP
The set ting for the con vey ing time and the line clear time are made via the keys
(A1: “change-over” key, A2: “ar row key”) on the front of the con trol sys tem. The
val ues which have been set will be dis played on the dis play (B). The val ues which
have been set are main tained af ter the ma chine has been shut off.
3 LEDs in di cate the re spec tive modes of op er a tion: pulse du ra tion (C), time in ter -
val (D), with out func tion (E).
The pulse du ra tion can be set to 0.5, 1.0 or 1.5 sec onds.
The time in ter val can be set from 5 to 20 sec onds.
When the unit is switched on all LEDs blink and the soft ware
ver sion is dis played.
Func tional de scrip tion 17
Con trol ler SSP
A1 A2