Sterling SSP 5 Marine Battery User Manual

5.5. Cleaning/re plac ing the fil ter car tridges of the clean ing unit
Stop the con vey ing pro ce dure.
Switch off the hop per by means of the on/off switch on the con -
nec tion hous ing.
Switch off the con vey ing con trol by means of the main switch.
Dis con nect the unit from mains sup ply.
Depressurize all sys tem sec tions of the equip ment.
Clean the sep a ra tor hop per each time you are chang ing the
ma te ri als.
Use only clean ing agents which ful fil the cor re spond ing re -
quire ments.
Only clean the sep a ra tor hop per with com pressed-air and/or
a brush.
The con vey ing ca pac ity is di min ished by a clogged fil ter car -
Main te nance 28