Sterling SSP 5 Marine Battery User Manual

5.1. Main te nance in ter vals
Daily: check warn ing signs on equip ment for good
leg i bil ity and com plete ness.
Weekly: check the main te nance unit
check the op er at ing pres sure in the fac tory
ductwork sys tem (max. 6 bar sys tem overpressure)
Monthly: check the sealings on the fil ter car tridges
(ac cord ing to the ac cu mu la tion of dust)
Ev ery six months: check fil ter con tam i na tion, if nec es sary clean or
re place the fil ter car tridges
check all elec tri cal and me chan i cal con nec tions
for proper fit
check the set tings of the level probes (if avail able)
check the seal ing ring on the lock ing flap
check the seal ing ring on the out let flap
Yearly: re place the seal ing ring on the lock ing flap
re place the seal ing ring on the out let flap
The given main te nance in ter vals are av er age val ues.
Check whether in your in di vid ual case the main te nance in -
ter vals must be short ened.
Main te nance 23