Weather Station Operation/Installation Manual
Changing Drive Letter
Only follow the steps listed on this page if the message “Cannot
find D:\UPGRADE.EXE” appeared when you pressed the
UPGRADE button. If this message did not appear please continue
on page 7-5.
Press on the screen between SprayRate Controller and Boom 1.
Leveler (Figure 7-3).
In the 2. Upgrading From Drive window select a drive (D:, E:, F:,
or G:), by default “D:” is selected, if “D:” does not work
then select another drive letter.
If none of the drive letters work, then close the window and
return to the Windows desktop, and double click on the My
Computer icon, see what drive letter Windows has assigned the
Thumbdrive, then contact Topcon Precision Agriculture.
Press here
Figure 7-3.About Product Selection Screen