
Hardware Description
ARM DUI 0224F Copyright © 2003-2007 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 3-37
RTC There is an external real-time clock clocked by a dedicated 32kHz crystal
oscillator. The RTC outputs the 32kHz clock to the FPGA where it is
buffered and then sent to the ARM926EJ-S PXP Development Chip
where it can be used as the CPU clock for low-power mode.
Ethernet The Ethernet controller has a 25MHz dedicated crystal oscillator for
timing the Ethernet bus. HCLKM2 (typically generated from the
programmable oscillator OSC0) is used as a reference frequency for the
controller interface to the FPGA.
USB The 24MHz reference from the programmable oscillator OSC0 is used as
a reference frequency for the external USB controller.
Logic Tile A Logic Tile can be connected to the expansion connectors. The tile
normally uses the GLOBALCLK from the PB926EJ-S as the clock for
its AHB buses. The tile can, however, also generate GLOBALCLK.
(The signal nGLOBALCLKEN from Z50 on the Logic Tile indicates to
the PB926EJ-S whether GLOBALCLK is supplied from OSC0 or from
the Logic Tile. This signal is pulled HIGH by the Logic Tile to select the
Logic Tile GLOBALCLK as the source for GLOBALCLK on the
The tile can also generate the external clocks for the AHB bridges when
they are operating in asynchronous mode. In normal operation, the AHB
bridges operate in synchronous mode and the PB926EJ-S is the source of
the bridge clocks connected to the tile.
The static memory clocks, CLCD data clock, and several of the
peripheral clocks from the PB926EJ-S are connected to the tile.
Debug The JTAG connector supplies the reference JTAG clock TCK. There is
also an on-board USB debug port that is driven by the 24MHz reference
and a dedicated 6MHz crystal oscillator.
The various clocks and clock selection mechanism are described in the following
ARM926EJ-S PXP Development Chip clocks on page 3-39
ICS307 programmable clock generators on page 3-48
Peripheral clocks on page 3-54
RealView Logic Tile clocks on page 3-52
The clocking selection and control logic in the PB926EJ-S enables you to emulate many
different clock systems and operating modes (for example, low-power mode with slow
clocks, operation without a PLL, and synchronous or asynchronous AHB bridges).