B-6 Copyright © 2003-2007 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0224F
B.2.1 AHB bus timing
Table B-5 lists the timing for the AHB buses. (The bus clock frequency is typically
35MHz for a
of 28.5ns).
Table B-5 ARM926EJ-S PXP Development Chip bus timing
Bus signals Clock tov toh tis tih
HRESETn input XTALCLKEXT - - 10ns 2ns
AHB M1 outputs in synchronous mode (HADDR, HSELx,
HWRITE, HTRANS[1:0], HSIZE[2:0], HBURST[2:0], and
write data)
XTALCLKEXT 16ns 1ns - -
AHB M1 inputs in synchronous mode (HREADY, HRESP,
HLOCK, and read data)
XTALCLKEXT - - 17ns 0ns
AHB M1 outputs in async mode (HADDR, HSELx, HWRITE,
HTRANS[1:0], HSIZE[2:0], HBURST[2:0], and write data)
HCLKM1 18ns 4ns - -
AHB M1 inputs in async mode (HREADY, HRESP, HLOCK,
and read data)
HCLKM1 - - 17ns 4.5ns
AHB M2 outputs in synchronous mode (HADDR, HSELx,
HWRITE, HTRANS[1:0], HSIZE[2:0], HBURST[2:0], and
write data)
XTALCLKEXT 16ns 1ns - -
AHB M2 inputs in synchronous mode (HREADY, HRESP,
HLOCK, and read data)
XTALCLKEXT - - 17ns 0ns
AHB M2 outputs in async mode (HADDR, HSELx, HWRITE,
HSIZE[2:0], HBURST[2:0], and write data)
HCLKM2 18ns 4ns - -
AHB M2 inputs in async mode (HREADY, HRESP, HLOCK
and read data)
HCLKM2 - - 17ns 4.5ns
AHB S outputs in synchronous mode (HREADY, HRESP,
HLOCK, and read data)
XTALCLKEXT 16ns 1ns - -
AHB S inputs in synchronous mode (HADDR, HSELx,
HWRITE, HTRANS[1:0], HSIZE[2:0], HBURST[2:0], and
write data)
XTALCLKEXT - - 17ns 0ns
AHB S outputs in async mode (HREADY, HRESP, HLOCK,
and read data)
HCLKS 18ns 4ns - -
AHB S inputs in async mode (HADDR, HSELx, HWRITE,
HTRANS[1:0], HSIZE[2:0], HBURST[2:0], and write data)
HCLKS - - 17ns 4.5ns