
Getting Started
ARM DUI 0224F Copyright © 2003-2007 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 2-5
2.2.2 LED indicators
Table 2-3 lists the PB926EJ-S LED indicators and their function.
Table 2-3 LED Indicators
LED ID Color Device Function
5V OK Green D29 Indicates that the 5V power supply is on
3V3 OK Green D34 Indicates that the 3V3 power supply is on
Standby Red D39 Indicates that the PB926EJ-S is in standby mode and the
power is off. This LED only functions when power is
supplied to the board via connector J35
Config Amber D44 Indicates that the PB926EJ-S is in configuration mode.
Configuration mode is entered by fitting the CONFIG
link J32 on the board and powering-up
The CONFIG link is a switch on some board versions.
Yellow D6 Directly indicates the status of the FPGA Config
pushswitch S4. LED is off when the switch is pressed
Blue D3 Directly indicates the status of the DEV CHIP Reconfig
pushswitch S5. LED is off when the switch is pressed
Reset Amber D4 Directly indicates the status of the Reset pushswitch S2.
LED is off when the switch is pressed
GP (User)
Green D5 Directly indicates the status of the general purpose
pushswitch S3. LED is off when the switch is pressed
GP (User)
Green D12-18,
Eight general purpose LEDs. These LEDs are controlled
individually by the lower eight bits of the SYS_LED
register. See User switches and LEDs on page 3-87 for
further details
Ethernet Green
J5 Ethernet activity indicators. These LEDs are integral to
the Ethernet connector J5 and are configured by writing
to a register in the LAN91C111 fast Ethernet controller.
See Ethernet interface on page 3-68 for further details
Green D8 Indicates that all the FPGA devices on the Logic Tiles
have been configured