
Hardware Description
ARM DUI 0224F Copyright © 2003-2007 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 3-85
The SSP functions as a master or slave interface that enables synchronous serial
communication with slave or master peripherals having one of the following:
a Motorola SPI-compatible interface
a Texas Instruments synchronous serial interface
a National Semiconductor Microwire interface.
Use the SSP controller to access:
Touch screen, keypad, LCD bias, and analogue inputs on the optional LCD
adaptor board. See Appendix C CLCD Display and Adaptor Board.
Optional SSP devices, such as an EEPROM, that are connected to the expansion
header J29.
Table 3-22 SSP signal descriptions
Name Description
SSPnCS Chip select to external device connected to SSP controller.
SSPFSSOUT PrimeCell SSP frame or slave select output (master).
SSPCLKOUT PrimeCell SSP clock output (master).
SSPRXD PrimeCell SSP receive data input.
SSPTXD PrimeCell SSP transmit data output.
nSSPCTLOE Output enable signal (active LOW) for the SSPCLKOUT output from the
PrimeCell SSP. This output is asserted (LOW) when the device is in master
mode and de-asserted (HIGH) when the device is in slave mode.
SSPFSSIN PrimeCell SSP frame input (slave).
SSPCLKIN PrimeCell SSP clock input (slave).
nSSPOE Output enable signal (active LOW) to indicate when SSPTXD is valid.
nDRVIEN1 Device select signal from RealView Logic Tile. This signal can be driven
HIGH by the logic tile to enable it to drive the SSPRXD signal.