RealView Logic Tile
F-8 Copyright © 2003-2007 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0224F
Ensure that your RealView Logic Tile configuration is compatible with the clock
sources you are using on the PB926EJ-S. See RealView Logic Tile clocks on page 3-52
for more information on clock selection and routing.
Table F-1 RealView Logic Tile clock signals
PB926EJ-S signal
RealView Logic Tile
signal (top header)
Direction Description
GLOBALCLK CLK_GLOBAL I/O Global clock connected to all RealView Logic
Tiles. Each tile and the PB926EJ-S can accept or
generate the clock.
nGLOBALCLKEN Z50 To VPB If driven HIGH by the RealView Logic Tile, this
signal disables the local source for GLOBALCLK
on the PB926EJ-S and allows the RealView Logic
Tile to supply GLOBALCLK. The signal is
normally pulled LOW by a resistor to ground
within the FPGA. The state of nGLOBALCLKEN
can be read from the HCLKCTL[0] bit in the
SYS_CONDATA1 register (see Configuration
registers SYS_CFGDATAx on page 4-25).
HCLKM2F2L ZU217 To tile FPGA M2 clock to RealView Logic Tile.
HCLKSF2L CLK_NEG_UP_OUT To tile FPGA S clock to RealView Logic Tile.
HCLKM1F2L CLK_POS_UP_OUT To tile FPGA M1 clock to RealView Logic Tile.
LT_SMCLK0 CLK_OUT_PLUS1 To tile Static memory clock 0 to RealView Logic Tile.
LT_SMCLK1 CLK_OUT_PLUS2 To tile Static memory clock 1 to RealView Logic Tile.
HCLKM1L2F XU128 From tile RealView Logic Tile clock to multiplexor that
provides M1 clock for the FPGA.