
CLCD Display and Adaptor Board
ARM DUI 0224F Copyright © 2003-2007 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. C-3
Six pushbutton switches are mounted on the interface board below the 2.2 or 3.8 inch
display. The state of the switches can be read from the touchscreen controller interface.
The touchscreen interface on the CLCD interface board is described in Touchscreen
controller interface on page C-11. The selftest program supplied on the CD reads the
position of a pen on the touchscreen and displays it on the CLCD or VGA display
connected to the board.
The 2.2 and 3.8 inch CLCD displays and the adaptor board are mounted in a small
enclosure as shown in Figure C-2.
Figure C-2 Small CLCD enclosure
The 8.4 inch display is mounted into a large enclosure that has two connectors: one for
a keypad and one for the PB926EJ-S. (See Figure C-3 on page C-4.)