Hardware Description
3-64 Copyright © 2003-2007 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0224F
TSSCLK Clock to touchscreen controller.
TSMOSI Data from touchscreen controller.
TSMISO Data from touchscreen controller.
TSnDAV Touchscreen controller data available signal.
TSnPENIRQ Touchscreen controller pen down interrupt.
TSnKPADIRQ Touchscreen controller key pressed interrupt.
TSnSS Touchscreen controller chip select.
VDDPOSSWITCH signals can be used by the LCD adaptor board to select voltage for the display
panel. Links on the board are set at manufacture to specify whether the panel voltages are fixed or
LCDID[4:0] These signals are determined by resistor links on the LCD adaptor board. They indicate the type
of display that is attached to the adaptor board.
LCDMODE[1:0] These signals select the VGA display resolution. The signals control remapping of the CLD[23:0]
data signals to the B[7:0], G[7:0], and R[7:0] signals to the CLCD display and the DAC for the
VGA display.
LCDDATnCOM This signal indicates to the external controller on the CLCD expansion board whether the current
value is data or a command.
LCDSD0 Serial data in or out for an external controller on the CLCD expansion board.
LCDSD0OUTnIN This signal controls the direction of the serial data bus.
LCDXWR Write signal to an external controller on the CLCD expansion board.
LCDXCS Chip select signal to an external controller on the CLCD expansion board.
LCDXRD Read signal to an external controller on the CLCD expansion board.
VGA_CLK The VGA clock synchronizes the conversion of the B[7:0], G[7:0], and R[7:0] signals into the
RED, GREEN, and BLUE analog signals.
VGA_HSYNC The VGA horizontal synchronization signal.
VGA_VSYNC The VGA vertical synchronization signal.
Table 3-14 Display interface signals (continued)
Signal Description