Monitor Library: Library Status
This page displays the dynamic information about the library, such as the current
status of the components. No changes can be made from this page. Table 5-7 lists
all available elements on the Library Identity page. An ″X″ indicates that the
element displays for the specified library type.
Table 5-7. Library Status page elements
Menu Item Description 2U 4U
Status Library status is displayed using icons with text. A checkmark with the
word ″Ready″ indicates the library is functioning properly. An
exclamation point with the word ″Caution″ indicates the library can
function, but is experiencing a problems. An X with the word ″Error″
indicates the library is not functioning because of a serious problem.
Cartridge in
This identifies a cartridge that is currently being moved by the accessor.
″None″ is displayed if no cartridge is being moved.
Number of Moves This is the number of times the accessor has moved a cartridge from
Point A to Point B (for example, from a storage slot to a drive).
Total Power On
This is the total amount of time that the library has been powered ON. X X
Accessor Status This is the current status of the accessor. X X
Left Magazine This displays whether the left magazine is ″Present″ or ″Not Present″. X
Right Magazine This displays whether the right magazine is ″Present″ or ″Not Present″. X
1. Left Magazine This displays whether the lower left magazine is ″Present″ or ″Not
Figure 5-26. The 4U library Monitor Library: Drive Identity page showing one Fibre Channel drive (#1) and one SCSI
drive (#2)
Chapter 5. Operations 5-33