Table 8-1. Error Codes (continued)
Error Code Description User Action
8E Cannot find gripper block within the
expected range
1. Run the Library Verify Test, then retry the operation.
2. If the error recurs, contact technical support.
8F Cannot find slider block within the
expected range
90 Cannot find elevator block within the
expected range
91 Cannot find rotation block within the
expected range
92 Cannot find sled block within the
expected range
93 Gripper outside range,
Gripper has reached a position beyond
the expected range
94 Slider outside range,
Slider has reached a position beyond the
expected range
95 Elevator outside range,
Elevator has reached a position beyond
the expected range
96 Rotation outside range,
Rotation has reached a position beyond
the expected range
97 Sled outside range,
Sled has reached a position beyond the
expected range
98 Cartridge present sensor not found
99 Slider home sensor not found
9A Rotation home sensor not found
9B Sled position sensor not found
9C Gripper range out of specification
9D Slider range out of specification
9E Elevator range out of specification
9F Rotation range out of specification
A0 Sled range out of specification
A1 Open I/O Station (Import/Export
Element) failed
Contact technical support.
B0 Robotic controller response timeout. A
command did not complete in the
required amount of time.
B1 NACK (not acknowledged) received
from robotic controller
B2 Accessor controller communication failed
Chapter 8. Error Codes 8-5