you of the impact of the proposed change. In some cases a pop-up screen will ask
for confirmation. Many changes will also require a library reboot.
Table 5-9. Configure Library: General page elements
Menu Item Description 2U 4U
Library Name This is a name that is assigned to your library for ease of identification. X X
I/O Station The I/O Station defaults to I/O Station Enabled. Choosing Disabled (no
checkmark) adds one more storage slot to the 2U library, and 3 more
storage slots to the 4U library. When the I/O Station is disabled,
removing or adding media to the library must be performed by releasing
the left and/or right magazine(s).
Auto Clean Auto Clean defaults to Disabled. For Auto Clean to function, a cleaning
cartridge (CLNxxxLx) must be resident in a reserved library slot and
Auto Clean must be enabled (turned on).
Bar Code Label
Length Reported
To Host
The default bar code label length is 8, but can be set to 6. The bar code
label length is a ″reported″ length. This setting will cause the host
computer to only see the first 6 characters of the label or all 8 characters.
This setting does not affect the bar code label that is shown on any of the
library user interfaces (always shows all 8 characters).
Table 5-10. Configure Library: Specific page elements
Menu Item Description 2U 4U
Library Mode Choices are Random and Sequential. If you choose Sequential, you may
also activate Autoload and/or Loop. If there is more than one logical
library, there is a Library Mode entry for each logical library.
Active Slots It may be necessary to modify the number of active slots to agree with
the number of slots allowed by your host software. To modify the
number of active slots in your library, click on the drop down list and
select the number of slots you want active in your library. Also, the Auto
Clean function requires the cleaning cartridge to be in a DCS or reserved
slot. Reserved slots are created by reducing the number of active slots.
Chapter 5. Operations 5-39