IML. Initial microprogram load.
Incomp. Mag.. Incompatible Magazine: This message
appears on the Operator Control Panel during library
initializing. It occurs during factory restore or VPD.
This is not a real issue since it takes the library a while
to configure.
initial microprogram load (IML). The action of
loading a microprogram from an external storage to
writable control storage.
initiator. The component that executes a command.
The initiator can be the host system or the tape control
INST. Installation.
interface. A shared boundary. An interface might be a
hardware component to link two devices or it might be
a portion of storage or registers accessed by two or
more computer programs.
Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4). A network layer
protocol for packet-switched internetworks. IPv4
supports 2
(about 4.3 billion) addresses.
Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6). A network layer
protocol for packet-switched internetworks. It is
designated as the successor of IPv4, the current version
of the Internet Protocol, for general use on the Internet.
The main improvement brought by IPv6 is the increase
in the number of addresses available for networked
devices, allowing, for example, each mobile phone and
mobile electronic device to have its own address.
intervention required. Manual action is needed.
INTRO. Introduction.
I/O. Input/output.
IOP. Input/output processor.
IP address. An identifier for a computer or device on
a TCP/IP network. Networks using the TCP/IP
protocol route messages based on the IP address of the
destination. The format of an IP address is a 32-bit
numeric address written as four numbers separated by
periods. Each number can be zero to 255. For example, could be an IP address.
IPL. Initial program load.
IPsec. IPsec (or Internet Protocol Security) provides an
additional level of security for IPv6 users.
IP Stack. The IP Stack manages static IP addresses.
IPv4. A network layer protocol for packet-switched
internetworks. IPv4 supports 2
(about 4.3 billion)
IPv6. A network layer protocol for packet-switched
internetworks. It is designated as the successor of IPv4,
the current version of the Internet Protocol, for general
use on the Internet. IPv6 supports approximately 5×10
addresses for each of the roughly 6.5 billion people
alive today.
ISV. Independent software vendor.
ITST. Idle-time self-test.
Key Path. This is the path used for transferring an
encryption key. This setting is dependent upon the
encryption method selected.
kilogram (kg). One thousand grams (approximately
2.2 pounds).
km. kilometer. 1000 Meters, Approximately 5/8 mile.
LAN. Local area network. A computer network within
a limited area.
LCD. See liquid crystal display.
LED. Light-emitting diode.
Library recovery. The 2U and 4U library firmware will
generally retry failed operations up to three times
before posting a failure to complete the operation, or, in
some situations, proceeding with an operation that can
be completed in an alternative manner.
Linear Tape-Open (LTO). A type of tape storage
technology developed by the IBM Corporation,
Hewlett-Packard, and Certance. LTO technology is an
“open format” technology, which means that its users
will have multiple sources of product and media. The
“open” nature of LTO technology enables compatibility
between different vendors’ offerings by ensuring that
vendors comply with verification standards. The LTO
technology is implemented in two formats: the Accelis
format focuses on fast access; the Ultrium format
focuses on high capacity. The Ultrium format is the
preferred format when capacity (rather than fast access)
is the key storage consideration. An Ultrium cartridge
has a compressed data capacity of up to 800 GB (2:1
compression) and a native data capacity of up to 400
Link-local address. An address having link-only scope
that can be used to reach neighboring nodes attached
to the same link. All interfaces have a link-local unicast
liquid crystal display (LCD). A low-power display
technology used in computers and other I/O devices.
Glossary H-5