
Fishnder 340C Owner’s Manual 
usIng the fIshfInder 340c > usIng the MAIn Menu
Water Speed—this appears only if you are using
a speed-capable transducer/sensor. Calibration is required
to ensure that the water speed shown on your Fishnder is
accurate. The Fishnder automatically uses GPS ground
speed (if available using NMEA input) for comparison on
the calibration. If a GPS ground speed is not available, use
either your boat’s speedometer reading (not always accurate)
or a stopwatch to determine your speed over a certain
distance (distance / time = speed). It is recommended that the
calibration take place in water having little or no current.
To calibrate the water speed:
1. Use the ROCKER to highlight Calibrate Water Speed,and
press ENTER.
2. Bringtheboattoacruisingspeed.BoththetopGPSground
3. Bydefault,thetopspeedautomaticallyappearsintheWhat
was your top water speed?eld.Ifagroundspeedisnot
If you want to manually enter a calibration, press ENTER on
If the boat is not moving fast enough or the speed
sensor is not registering a speed, a “Boat Is Not Moving Fast
Enough To Calibrate” message appears at the bottom of the
screen. Check that the speed sensor wheel is moving or safely
increase boat speed. If there is a problem with the Fishnder
speed sensor, or if a speed senor is not installed, a “Water
Speed Sensor Is Not Working” message appears at the bottom
of the screen. Check the connections of the speed sensor cables.