
Fishnder 340C Owner’s Manual 3
usIng the fIshfInder 340c > usIng the MAIn Menu
To set an alarm:
1. Use the ROCKER to highlight a sub tab of the Alarms tab.
2. Highlighttheeldbelowthealarmnamethatyouwantto
3. Highlightanewsetting,andpressENTER.
4. Highlightthenexteldtotheright(ifapplicable),andpress
Sonar Sub Tab
Fish—sets an alarm to sound (and an icon to appear) when
the Fishnder detects a sh of the specied size.
Shallow Water
and—set alarms to sound when
you enter an area of specied depth that is too shallow or
too deep. The settings are  (default) and a user-dened
—sets an alarm to sound when you exceed a specied
drift depth range. For example, if the value is set to 5 feet
and the current depth is 20 feet when the alarm is enabled,
the alarm sounds if the Fishnder detects a depth greater
than 25 feet or shallower than 15 feet.
—sets an alarm to sound when the transducer
reports a temperature either above, below, inside, or outside
the specied values.
System Sub Tab
—sets an alarm to sound when the battery is
reaching a critical state of discharge. The settings are
(default) and a user-dened number of volts remaining.
—allows you to control a timer. This can be useful
for tournament shing. The settings are  (Down),
 (Up), Stop, or Reset the timer.