Waiting for a start instruction: waitStart, waitStartBZ
This section explains the point job data commands to stop running until a start instruction is received.
Command Category
Stands by in place until a start instruction
is received.
waitStart -
Delay, Data In,
Stands by in place while sounding an
alarm buzzer until a start instruction is
Wait Start
The commands “waitStart” and “waitStartBZ” are invalid at the CP Passing Point or a point
whose Base Type is CP Passing Point.
waitStart: Wait for start.
set #genOut1
reset #genOut1
Outputs an ON signal to #genOut1.
Stands by in place until a start instruction comes.
Outputs an OFF signal to #genOut1 (when a start instruction is
waitStartBZ: Wait for start (alarm buzzer)
For Example: If #genIn1 does not come ON within 2 seconds, it is recognized as an error, genOut2
(connected to an external alarm/error lamp) comes ON and the robot “stands by for start while
sounding an alarm buzzer.”
When an operator resolves the problem and sends a start instruction, the OFF signal will be
output to #genOut2 and the operation will start from Point 05.
waitCondTime 2000
ld #genIn1
Wait for #genIn1 to go ON for 2 seconds.
upZ 50,20
set #genOut2
reset #genOut2
goPoint PTP3,5
If #genIn1 does not come ON within 20 seconds,
Raise the Z axis 50 mm (at the speed of 20 mm/sec),
Output ON signal to #genOut2,
Sound an alarm buzzer and stand by in place until a start instruction is
Output OFF signal to #genOut2 (when a start instruction comes),
Go to Point 05.
End of the comannd which will be executed if #genIn1 does not come
ON within 20 seconds.
Features II CARTESIAN Benchtop Robot