16 Desktop
HX1 Reference Guide E-EQ-HX1RG-C-ARC
The HX1 Desktop appearance is similar to that of a desktop PC running Windows 2000 or XP.
Since the HX1 has no monitor, the HX1 desktop is only visible using an ActiveSync connection
and ActiveSync Remote Display.
At a minimum, it has the following icons that can be double tapped with the stylus to access My
Computer, Internet Explorer, and the Recycle Bin.
At the bottom of the screen is the Start button. Clicking the Start Button causes the Start Menu to
pop up. It contains the standard Windows menu options: Programs, Favorites, Documents,
Settings, Help, and Run.
Desktop Icon Function
My Computer Access files and programs.
Recycle Bin Storage for files that are to be deleted.
Internet Explorer Connect to the Internet/intranet (requires radio card and Internet Service
Provider – ISP enrollment is not available from LXE).
My Documents Storage for downloaded files / applications.
Start Access programs, select from the Favorites listing, documents last
worked on, change/view settings for the control panel or taskbar, on-line
help or run programs.
Figure 3-1 HX1 Desktop via Remote Display