You can use any combination of alphanumeric characters, underscore (_), hyphen (-), and pound (#) for
the names. Names can have a maximum of 30 characters.
The identifier of a snapshot image has two parts separated by a colon (:):
• The name of the snapshot group.
• The identifier of the snapshot image.
For example, if you want to create a snapshot virtual disk named snapData1, using the most recent
snapshot image in a snapshot group that has the name snapGroup1, with a maximum fill limit of 80
percent for the repository virtual disk, you would use this command:
create snapVirtualDisk userLabel="snapData1" snapImageID="snapGroup1:newest"
repositoryVirtualDisk="repos_1234" repositoryFullLimit=80;
The repository virtual disk identifier is automatically created by the MD storage management software
and the firmware when you create a new snapshot group. You cannot rename the repository virtual disk
because renaming the repository virtual disk will break the linkage with the snapshot images.
Create SSD Cache
This command creates a read cache for a storage array using Solid State Disks (SSDs). Using high
performance SSDs to cache read data improves the application I/O performance and response times, and
delivers sustained performance improvement across different workloads, especially for high-IOP
workloads. SSD cache maximizes the use of expensive fast SSDs.
SSD cache works in addition to the primary cache in the RAID controller module DRAM. With RAID
controller module cache, the data is stored in DRAM after a host read. With SSD cache, the data is copied
from user specified base virtual disks, and then cached on SSDs.
create ssdCache userLabel="ssdCacheName"
enclosureID1,drawerID1,slotID1 ...
Parameter Description
The alphanumeric identifier (including - and _) that
you want to name the new SSD cache. Enclose the
identifier in double quotation marks (" ").
You can use any combination of alphanumeric
characters, underscore (_), hyphen (-), and pound