• The CLI automatically saves the error data by writing the data to a file with a standard name.
• The CLI does not have any provisions to avoid overwriting an existing version of the file containing
error data.
For error processing, errors appear as two types:
• Parameter or syntax errors you might enter
• Exceptions that occur as a result of an operational error
When the CLI encounters either type of error, it writes information describing the error directly to the
command line and sets a return code. Depending on the return code, the CLI might also write additional
information about which parameter caused the error. The CLI also writes information about what
command syntax was expected to help you identify any syntax errors you might have entered.
When an exception occurs while executing a command, the CLI automatically saves the error
information to a file named excprpt.txt. The CLI attempts to place excprpt.txt in the directory specified by
the system property devmgr.datadir, which by default is the "client/data" directory under the main
installation directory in Windows and the /var/opt/SM directory in Linux. If for any reason the CLI cannot
place the file in the devmgr.datadir-specified directory, the CLI saves the excprpt.txt file in the same
directory from which the CLI is running. You cannot change the file name or location. The excprpt.txt file
is overwritten every time an exception occurs. To save the information in the excprpt.txt file, you must
copy the information to a new file or directory.
Exit Status
After you run a CLI command or a CLI and script command, status is displayed that indicates the success
of the operation defined by the command. The status values are shown in the following table.
Table 3. Exit Status
Status Value Meaning
0 The command terminated without an error.
1 The command terminated with an error. Error information is also
2 The script file does not exist.
3 An error occurred while opening an output file.
4 A storage array is not at the specified address.
5 Addresses specify different storage arrays.
6 A storage array name does not exist for the host agent connected.
7 The storage array name was not at the specified address.
8 The storage array name was not in the configuration file.
10 A management class does not exist for the storage array.
11 A storage array was not found in the configuration file.
12 An internal error occurred.
13 Invalid script syntax was found.