Parameter Description
The name of the snapshot image for which you
want to stop a rollback operation. The name of a
snapshot image is comprised of two parts:
• The name of the snapshot group.
• An identifier for the snapshot image in the
snapshot group.
The identifier for the snapshot image can be one of
• An integer value that is the sequence number
of the snapshot in the snapshot group.
• NEWEST - Use this option when you want to
show the latest snapshot image created in the
snapshot group.
• OLDEST - Use this option when you want to
show the earliest snapshot image created in the
snapshot group.
Enclose the snapshot image name in double
quotation marks (" ") inside square brackets ([ ]).
The name of a snapshot image has two parts separated by a colon (:):
• The identifier of the snapshot group
• The identifier of the snapshot image
For example, if you want to stop a rollback operation for snapshot image 12345 in a snapshot group that
has the name snapGroup1, you would use this command:
stop snapImage ["snapGroup1:12345"] rollback;
To stop a rollback operation for the most recent snapshot image in a snapshot group that has the name
snapGroup1, you would use this command:
stop snapImage ["snapGroup1:newest"] rollback;
Stop Snapshot Virtual Disk
This command stops a snapshot virtual disk operation.
stop snapVirtualDisk ["snapVirtualDiskName"]