
Chapter 5 199
Configuring ITO
Preconfigured Elements
The applications and application groups assigned by default to the ITO
users reflect the responsibility given to them by the administrator. Table
5-7 on page 198 and Table 5-8 on page 199 show you at a glance which
applications and applications groups are assigned by default to each
user. ITO allows you to add, delete, and move applications and
application groups (as well as nodes, node groups, message groups and so
on) by dragging and dropping or copying and pasting. In this way, the
administrator can use the default settings as a base for configuring users
and responsibilities that match the needs of individual environments.
Table 5-8 Default Applications for the ITO Operators
SNMP Data ✓✓
UN*X Tools
Application Groups opc_op netop itop
Applications opc_op netop itop
Broadcast ✓✓
Demand Poll
Disk Space
IP Map ✓✓
ITO Status ✓✓
Locate Route via SNMP
MIB Browser ✓✓
Motif Sam
Physical Terminal ✓✓
Print Status
Remote Ping