70 Chapter 2
Installing ITO Agents on the Managed Nodes
General Installation Tips for Managed Nodes
4. Use the command /opt/OV/bin/OpC/opcragt -status <node>
to verify that the Control, Message, and Action Agents are all
running on the managed node.
Installation Tips for IRIX Managed Nodes
❏ The ITO agent software is installed on the /opt file tree. If the file
system that hosts the /opt file tree is too small for the installation of
ITO Agents, create a symbolic link before installing ITO. For
example: if /bigdisk is a local file system with enough free space:
mkdir -p /bigdisk/OV
ln -s /bigdisk/OV /opt/OV
In a cluster environment, you must check that /bigdisk is also
accessible from all cluster clients, and that it is mounted from all
client nodes. For example, local file system /bigdisk on the cluster
client must be mounted to the exported file system /bigdisk on the
cluster server.
Installation Tips for MPE/iX Managed Nodes
NOTE Interactive log on and log off UDCs are not supported by ITO. For this
reason, logon and logoff UDCs must be disabled during both software
installation and application starts using the vt3k connection.
❏ For software installation, disable the logon/logoff UDCs for
manager.sys, mrg.ovopc and agent.ovopc if these are present.
❏ Always set LANG to C before starting the ITO agent software
❏ Use ncktest.pub.hpncs to check IP addresses. For more information,
see the section “RPC Daemon or Local Location Broker Problems and
Solutions” on page 422.
On MPE/iX 6.0 use NSLOOKUP.HPDCE.SYS to check IP addresses.
❏ On HP-UX 10.x management servers, ftp is used to install the
MPE/iX agent.
❏ In its current release, ITO only supports the domain name service for
IP address resolution. Therefore the (fully qualified) management
server system must be known by the domain name resolver (as