
346 Chapter 8
ITO Language Support
Character Conversion in ITO
Management Server:
Local Logfile entries (opcerror), history download, etc., are
processed using the ISO 8859-1 character set.
Configuration upload and download is done using ISO 8859-1.
No runtime conversion is done on the management server. Conversion is
only performed for managed node configuration files if the ITO agents on
HP-UX or MPE/iX are running with the processing character set,
Managed Nodes:
Incoming SNMP events are always interpreted as being ASCII.
Input through user commands is always converted from the external
character set to the node character set.
No input conversion is done for configuration files; configuration files
are always in the node processing character set, as defined in the
Add/Modify Node window.
No output conversion is done for local ITO logfiles; the contents of
logfiles are always in the node processing character set, as defined in
the Add/Modify Node window.
MIB processing is always performed in the node processing character
Action agents receive their input in the management server character
set, and convert it into the node processing character set, before
actions are started.
Scenario ITO agent-processing character set is ROMAN8.
opcmsg msg_text=“This is a message with ä, ü, ö”
Conversion Input conversion of the opcmsg is from ISO8859-1 to
ROMAN8 before the ITO message interceptor
evaluates the message attributes.