320 Chapter 7
Integrating Applications into ITO
Integrating Applications into ITO
3. In the Add OV Application window enter the following application
Application Name: Ethernet Traffic HP
OV Registration Application Name: IP Graphs
OV Registration Action Identifier: etherTrafficHP
And select [Use Objects selected by Operator].
4. Click on [OK].
5. Invoke this application as administrator and as operator:
a. As administrator:
Log out and log in again, to use this OV Application. Select a node
and double-click on the Ethernet Traffic HP application in
the ITO Application Bank.
Drag and drop this OV application into an operator’s Assigned
Applications window to enable the operator to monitor the
ethernet traffic. (Re-)start the operator’s session.
b. As operator:
Select a node and double-click on the Ethernet Traffic
application in the Application Desktop.
Integrating “IP Activity Monitoring - Tables” as an OV
1. Working as the administrator, from the menu bar of the root IP Map,
select Window:Application Bank…. The ITO Application
Bank window opens.
2. As administrator, from the menu bar select
Actions:Applications->Add OV Service…. The Add OV
Service window opens.
3. In the Add OV Service window enter the following application
Application Name: IP Monitoring - Tables
OV Registration Application Name: IP Tables
4. Click on [OK].
5. Invoke this application as administrator and as operator: