
Chapter 10 423
Tuning, Troubleshooting, Security, and Maintenance
Troubleshooting: Specific Problems
Accessing the MIB of the Managed Node
To grant ITO access to the MIB of the managed node, you must ensure
that the get-community-name is set in one of the following ways:
Edit the opcinfo file on the managed node (see Table 10-3 on page
399 for the location of the opcinfo file on all platforms), and add the
following line:
SNMP_COMMUNITY <community>
where <community> is the community for which the snmpd is
If SNMP_COMMUNITY is not set, the default community public is
used. If it is set, the specified community name is used for snmp-get
operations and should match one of the get-community strings in the
snmpd configuration file.
Or edit the configuration file for the SNMP daemon:
on HP-UX 10.x and 11.x managed nodes:
get-community-name: enter the community name for the SNMP
agent. More than one community name can be specified by adding a
line for each community name. This can be set to one of the following:
When left empty:
The SNMP agent responds to get requests using any community
If a community name is entered, the SNMP agent only responds to
get requests using this community name, for example:
get-community-name: secret
get-community-name: public
ITO requires this access for:
monitoring MIB effectively
the automatic resolution of node attributes when you configure a new
node in ITO.
For more details, see the related snmpd man page. For HP-UX, see the
HP OpenView SNMP Agent Administrator’s Guide.