
Chapter 8 337
ITO Language Support
Language Support on the Management Server
ITO uses the system-wide X-resources for window titles and icon labels.
Table 8-1 System-wide X Resources in a VUE and CDE Environment
ITO-specific resources are set in one of the files listed below:
English: /opt/OV/lib/X11/app-defaults/C/Opc
Japanese: /opt/OV/lib/X11/app-defaults/ja_JP.SJIS/Opc
Table 8-2 ITO-Specific X Resources Used for Fonts
Resource Description
*FontList Font used for window titles.
Vuewm*icon*fontList Font used for icon titles.
Resource Description
Opc.fixedTextFont Font used in list boxes, for example, in the Message Browser.
Opc.variableTextFont Font used for other labels in the GUI.
Opc.buttonFont Font used for push buttons, for example, Close.