
Chapter 1 35
Prerequisites for Installing ITO Agent Software
Managed Node Requirements
Operating System. For the supported OS versions, see Table 1-1 on
page 31.
Basic networking services
OSFCLINET4xx Basic Networking Services
DCE Runtime Kit
DCERTS20x DCE Runtime Services V2.0
NOTE ITO supports DCE versions supplied with the Digital Unix operating
system. However, although the Digital Unix operating system includes
DCE, DCE has to be installed separately as an optional product.
Japanese base system (only for managed nodes running Digital Unix
in a Japanese environment)
IOSJPBASE4xx Japanese Base System
Software Requirements for HP-UX 10.x Managed
The following software must be installed on HP-UX 10.x managed nodes:
Operating system. For the supported OS versions, see Table 1-1 on
page 31.
DCE RPC version 1.2.1 or higher on HP-UX 10.x
(SD-package: DCE-Core.DCE-CORE-RUN)
Internet Services
(SD-package: InternetSrvcs.INETSRVCS-RUN)
(SD-package: Networking.NET-RUN)
SNMP agent for MIB monitoring.
SD-Package for HP-UX 10.20 and lower: NetworkingSnmpAgent
SD-Package for HP-UX 10.30 and higher: OVSNMPAgent
Native Language Support (NLS) Package
(SD-package: OS-Core.NLS-AUX)