Chapter 5 215
Configuring ITO
Preconfigured Elements
PerfMon Objs
This application returns all of the performance objects that are defined
on the selected Windows NT node. A non-English NT installation will
return the objects in both the local language and the default language
(US English). This application is used mostly by the administrator to
make the configuration of threshold monitors on Windows NT systems
Default: opcprfls.exe
User Configurable Parameters:
/a Returns all the performance monitor objects found on
the system (this setting is default).
/o <string> Returns only objects that match the string, starting
from the beginning of the object. For example, /o s
returns the objects system, server, and server
work queues, while /o sy returns system, and
/over matches nothing and returns an error message.
/s Returns a maximum of ten instances, if more are
defined it will print out the message “MULTIPLE
INSTANCES, TOO MANY TO LIST” (this setting is
/f Returns full list, will print all instances no matter how
many are defined.
NOTE The performance objects are always stored in both US English and the
local language if the local language is not also US English. On a German
NT system for example, names are defined for all the objects in both US
English and German. If opcprfls.exe finds a second language, the
message “Second Language found” is displayed, and each object,
counter, or instance thereof is returned in both US English and the local
language. If an object does not have a local language name, only the US
English name is printed. The ITO agent can monitor any of the
performance objects in either US English or the local language, but US
English will be valid on all NT machines, regardless of the local
Description of Values Returned:
Refer to the User Configurable Parameters for this application.