
Chapter 10 379
Tuning, Troubleshooting, Security, and Maintenance
Troubleshooting: Tracing
Troubleshooting: Tracing
ITO provides a tracing facility which helps you to investigate the cause of
a problem. For example, if processes or programs abort, performance is
greatly reduced, or unexpected results appear. Trace logfiles can provide
pointers to where and when the problem occurred.
Tracing can be activated for specific management server and/or agent
processes by adding a statement to the opcsvinfo and/or opcinfo file.
To simplify the interpretation of the trace logfile, tracing can be activated
for specific functional areas by specifying one or more functional areas in
the trace statement. “Activating Tracing” on page 380 shows how to use
the trace statement, and Table 10-1 gives a list of all available functional
areas that may be used for tracing. Note that some areas are not
available for some processes.
Table 10-1 Functional Tracing Areas
<area> Description
ACTN Actions
ALIVE Agent-alive check
ALL All tracing areas (except DEBUG)
DB Database
DEBUG Debugging information (very detailed)
DIST Distribution
GUI User interface
INIT Initialization
INST Installation
INT Internal
LIC Licensing
MISC Miscellaneous
MSG Message flow