
Chapter 5 221
Configuring ITO
Preconfigured Elements
Show Drivers
This application lists all drivers that are present on the selected
Windows NT node.
Default: itomserv.exe /list d
User Configurable Parameters: see
“Show Services” on page 221
Description of Values Returned:
NAME True name of the service. If you wish to perform actions
on the service, this is the name that should be used.
DISPLAY Description of the service, this is the name that is
normally seen when working with the control panel.
STATUS The status of a service can be, Started (i.e., Running),
Paused, or Stopped (represented by a blank entry).
STARTUP The startup type of a service can be:
boot, or system Service starts every time the system
Manual Service can be started by a user or a
dependent service.
Disabled Service cannot be started.
Show Services
This application returns a list of the services that are configured on the
selected Windows NT system. If the ITO user does not have the rights to
obtain information about a service, “NA” will be returned for the service
Default: itomserv.exe /list s
User Configurable Parameters:
/start <servicename> Start service <servicename>
/stop <servicename> Stop service <servicename>
/pause <servicename> Pause service <servicename>
/continue <servicename> Continue service <servicename>