
Chapter 5 229
Configuring ITO
Preconfigured Elements
Default: itodown.ncf
Bound Protocols. Lists all the protocols bound to each network board
in a server.
Default: protocls <server_name>
The number of packets sent and received over each protocol is also listed.
By viewing the Bound Protocols object group, you can see which protocols
have the most traffic.
Cold Boot the NetWare Server (NCF). Stops and restarts the
NetWare server. This is done by removing DOS before exiting:
Default: itoreset.ncf <server_name>
Connections. Monitors the status of users and user connections:
Default: conninfo <server_name>
The difference between the data returned by the Connections action and
the Users action is the Connection action’s emphasis on data relating
specifically to connections. This enables you to determine how busy the
server really is and which connections and users are the busiest.
CPU Info. Returns information about devices including the CPU
Default: cpuinfo <server_name>
Disks. Enables you to get detailed information about the disk drives in
a managed server:
Default: diskinfo <server_name>
Part of the detailed information provided by this action concerns the
fault tolerance of a given disk partition and allows you to determine
whether or not a hard disk is losing data integrity. A number in the
redirected area indicates the number of data blocks that have been
redirected to the Hot Fix (TM) Redirection Area to maintain data
If you are checking NetWare SFT III systems, the disks from both file
servers are displayed.
Display a File. Displays a file (copies its content to standard output -
similar to the UNIX cat command):