Error and confirmation messages N (No data–Not enough song memory)
• Delete other song data etc. to increase the amount
of free memory.
Memory overflow
Meaning: While receiving exclusive data in Disk mode
Save Exclusive, all remaining internal memory was
used up. To solve this problem:
• If you are receiving two or more sets of exclusive
data, transmit them separately to the OASYS.
Meaning: In Disk mode, you attempted to load more
sample waveform data than there was free memory
capacity. To solve this problem:
• In Sampling mode, execute Delete sample to create
free space in the sample waveform data area, and
re-load the data.
Memory Protected
Meaning: The internal program, combination, song,
drum kit, wave sequence, KARMA GE, or Internal
HDD Save is protected.
Meaning: The song was protected when you executed
Auto Song Setup.
• In Global mode, turn off write-protect, and execute
the write or load operation once again.
MIDI data receiving error
Meaning: While receiving MIDI System Exclusive
data, the format of the received data was invalid, for
example because the size of the data was incorrect.
Mount Error
Meaning: This message will appear when you execute
the Global mode Update System Software command
if the CD could not be executed successfully. To solve
this problem:
• Try again. Alternatively, try again using a different
Multisample L and R are identical
Meaning: Since the destination (save location) L and R
multisample numbers are the same, the editing
operation could not be executed. To solve this problem:
• Select a different multisample number for the L and
R of the destination (save location).
N (No data–Not enough song memory)
No data
Meaning: When loading a Standard MIDI File, the file
contained no events.
Meaning: When you executed Samples in One
Multisample in “Export Smpl as AIFF/WAVE”
command in the Disk mode Save page, there were no
To solve either of these problems:
• Create sample data.
No medium
Meaning: When executing a command in Disk mode,
no media was inserted in the drive. To solve this
• Insert media such as a mount the drive.
No recording track specified
Meaning: When performing realtime multi-track
recording, you attempted to begin recording with no
tracks set to REC. To solve this problem:
• Set the desired tracks for recording to REC.
No space available on medium
Meaning: When you attempted to save or copy a file,
or to create a directory, there was not enough free space
on the other medium. To solve this problem:
• Either delete an existing file, or exchange the
medium with one that has sufficient free space.
No space available on medium
Do you want to make a divided file?
Meaning: When saving a .PCG or .KSF file, there was
insufficient free space on the media. Please specify
whether you want to save the file in divided form.
• Press the OK button to save the file across multiple
volumes of media, or press the Cancel button to
Not enough empty slot to copy
Meaning: This message will appear when you execute
Copy Insert Effect or Copy From Program if there are
not enough vacant insert effects in the copy-
destination. To solve this problem:
• Set unused insert effects in the copy-destination to
000: No Effect so that there will be enough vacant
insert effects.
Not enough memory
Meaning: When starting realtime recording in
Sequencer mode, the minimum amount of free
memory (such as memory for the BAR events up to the
recording start location) could not be allocated. To
solve this problem:
• Delete other song data etc. to increase the amount
of free memory.
Meaning: When executing “Load Exclusive,” you
attempted to load an .EXL file that required more than
1,048,576 bytes. Such a file cannot be loaded by the