Effect Guide
Source [Off…Tempo]
Selects the modulation source of the depth of
Amount [+/–100]
Sets the modulation amount of the depth of
Pan [L, 1:99…99:1, R]
This simultaneously controls the panning and stereo
width for the pitch-shifted and dry sounds. The value
is shown for the pitch-shifted signal, and the dry signal
is always at the opposite side of the stereo field.
For instance, when Pan is set to L, the effected sound is
panned all the way to the left, and the dry sound is
panned all the way to the right. When Pan is set to R,
the panning is reversed.
Intermediate values decrease the stereo width, so that
at 50:50, both sounds are centered.
Waveform [Triangle, Square]
Selects the LFO Waveform.
Frequency [Hz] [0.02…20.00]
Sets the LFO speed, in Hz.
Source [Off…Tempo]
Selects a modulation source for LFO speed.
Amount [–20.00…+20.00]
Sets the modulation amount of LFO speed.
MIDI/Tempo Sync [Check-box]
BPM [MIDI, 40.00…240.00]
Base Note […]
Times [x1…x32]
When MIDI/Tempo Sync is on, the LFO speed is set by
BPM, Base Note, and Times, instead of Frequency. For
more information, see “MIDI/Tempo Sync” on
page 777.
LFO Type [Individual, Common1, Common2]
Selects either (individual) LFO, Common FX LFO1, or
Common LFO2. p.777.
Common LFO Phase Offset [degrees] [+/–180]
Sets the phase offset when Type = Common 1 or
Common 2. p.777.
Wet/Dry [Dry, 1:99…99:1, Wet]
Sets the balance between the effect and the dry input.
Unlike most effects, when this is set to Wet, the dry and
effected signals will be heard at equal volume.
Source [Off…Tempo]
Selects a modulation source for Wet/Dry.
Amount [+/–100]
Sets the modulation amount for Wet/Dry.
073: Organ Vibrato/Chorus
This effect simulates the chorus and vibrato circuitry of
a vintage organ. The modulation speed and depth can
be customized.
This effect works the same as the Chorus/Vibrato
included in the CX-3. For more information, see “7–1c:
Vibrato/Chorus” on page 226.
Input Trim [0…100]
Sets the input level.
Mode [Preset, Custom]
Selects either preset or custom settings.
Type [V1, C1, V2, C2, V3, C3]
Selects the effect type when Mode=Preset.
V1/V2/V3 are variations of vibrato, and C1/C2/C3
are variations of chorus.
Source [Off…Tempo]
Selects the modulation source that will change the
effect type.
Amount [–5…+5]
Sets the modulation amount for changing the effect
Mix [0…100]
Sets the mix level of the direct sound when
Source [Off…Tempo]
Selects the modulation source that will control the mix
level of the direct sound.
Preset Setting
Custom Parameters
Wet / Dry
Wet / Dry
Wet: Mono In - Mono Out / Dry: Stereo In - Stereo Out