Direct Index Group Bend Parameters
14: Next Index+1
Bends each note to the index in the Note Series that is 2
indexes forward (note that this may be an up or down
bend depending on how the Note Series is constructed
and sorted). For example, if the Note Series contains
{C, E, G, B, C…}, then when the E is Direct Indexed it
will bend to the B.
15: Next Index+2
Bends each note to the index in the Note Series that is 3
indexes forward (note that this may be an up or down
bend depending on how the Note Series is constructed
and sorted). For example, if the Note Series contains
{C, E, G, B, C…}, then when the E is Direct Indexed it
will bend to the second C.
16: Prev Index
Bends each note to the previous index in the Note
Series (note that this may be an up or down bend
depending on how the Note Series is constructed and
sorted). For example, if the Note Series contains {C, E,
G, B, C…}, then when the B is Direct Indexed it will
bend to the G.
17: Prev Index–1
Bends each note to the index in the Note Series that is 2
indexes backward (note that this may be an up or
down bend depending on how the Note Series is
constructed and sorted). For example, if the Note
Series contains {C, E, G, B, C…}, then when the B is
Direct Indexed it will bend to the E.
18: Prev Index–2
Bends each note to the index in the Note Series that is 3
indexes backward (note that this may be an up or
down bend depending on how the Note Series is
constructed and sorted). For example, if the Note
Series contains {C, E, G, B, C…}, then when the B is
Direct Indexed it will bend to the first C.
Bend Shape [0…2]
☞p.946 “Bend Group”: “Shape”
Bend Alternation [0, 1]
☞p.946 “Bend Group”: “Alternation”
Bend Step [0, 1]
☞p.946 “Bend Group”: “Step Mode”
Bend Length [0…25]
☞p.946 “Bend Group”: “Length”
Bend Fixed-ms [10…5000 (ms)]
☞p.947 “Bend Group”: “Fixed-ms”
Bend Start % [0…100 (%)]
☞p.947 “Bend Group”: “Start %”
Bend End % [0…100 (%)]
☞p.947 “Bend Group”: “End %”
Bend Width % [0…100 (%)]
☞p.947 “Bend Group”: “Width %”
0: Bend 1: Hammer 2: Hammer Bend
0: Off 1: Alternating
0: Smooth 1…12: 1 ST…12 ST
0: 64th triplet 9: 8th triplet 18: Whole triplet
1: 64th 10: 8th 19: Whole
2: 64th dotted 11: 8th dotted 20: Whole dotted
3: 32th triplet 12: Quarter triplet 21: 2 bars
4: 32th 13: Quarter 22: 3 bars
5: 32th dotted 14:
Quarter dotted
23: 4 bars
6: 16th triplet 15: Half triplet 24: Fixed (ms)
7: 16th 16: Half 25: Note Duration
8: 16th dotted 17: Half dotted