Program mode: HD-1
7–4: Module Parameters-Trigger
Here you can set KARMA Module Trigger parameters.
In Program mode, you can use one KARMA Module
(module [A]).
You can make the following settings.
• Timing correction and latch operation for triggers
• Settings for the envelope generators inside the GE
7–4a: Program Name and Tempo
For descriptions of these parameters, please see “7–2a:
Program Name and Tempo” on page 100.
7–4b: Module Parameter-Trigger
Quantize Trigger [Off, On]
Quantize (correct) the timing of the triggering caused
by the note data or Dynamic MIDI.
On (checked): Trigger timing will be quantized in 16th
note units relative to the basic tempo.
Off (unchecked): Triggering will occur at the moment
you play the keyboard or activate a trigger through
Dynamic MIDI.
Note: When this is On (checked), triggering at a timing
that is within a 32nd note of the 16th note base value
will cause the playback to begin simultaneously (lower
row of the preceding diagram). If the trigger is later
than this, playback will start at the next 16th note
(upper row of the diagram above).
Update On Release [Off, On]
Allows the release of individual input notes to remove
those notes from the notes going to the GE, thereby
changing the effect to use only those notes still being
Off (unchecked): Releasing some notes while holding
others causes no change to the input source material,
and therefore no change in the Generated Effect. This is
the most smooth and natural way, and similar to most
advanced auto-accompaniment keyboards.
On (checked): Notes that are released are removed
from the input source material, thereby changing the
effect to use only those notes still being held. This is
typically the way simple arpeggiators work, especially
if their latch mode is turned off.
Delay Start [Off, Fixed, 3…4x1]
Specify the delay from when the trigger (by note data)
is input, until the phrase or pattern starts.
3…4x1: Specify the delay time as a note value interval
relative to the tempo.
Fixed: The delay time will be specified in time units
(ms). Set the time in “Delay Start Fixed.”
Delay Start Fixed [0000 ms… 5000 ms]
This is valid if “Delay Start” is set to Fixed. Set “Delay
Start” in ms units. The delay specified here will
remaing constant, even when the tempo is changed.