Program P4: OSC Pitch 4–1: OSC Basic
Detuned Saw 1 produces two detuned sawtooth
waveforms simultaneously. Detune controls the
amount of detuning, and Wave Morph adjusts the
volume of the second sawtooth.
Detuned Saw 2 is similar to Detuned Saw 1, except
that the second sawtooth is 180 degrees out of phase.
This produces a timbre similar to pulse width
modulation, with the Detune parameter controlling
both detune and the speed of the PWM effect.
Triangle produces a pure tone with relatively few
Square/Triangle simultaneously creates a square wave
(in which the pulse width is fixed at 50%) and a
triangle wave. Wave Morph crossfades between the
Initial Phase [-180…+180, Random]
This controls the initial phase of Oscillator 1, in 1-
degree increments.
Random: with each note-on, the waveform will start
from a random point along the waveform, to simulate
the varying phase relationships between oscillators in
analog synthesizers.
Wave Morph [000…100]
The function of this parameter changes depending on
the Waveform selection, above.
When Waveform is set to either Saw/Pulse or
Square/Triangle, Wave Morph crossfades between the
two waveforms. At 0, you’ll hear only the first
waveform; at 100, you’ll hear only the second
waveform; and at 50, you’ll hear an equal mix of both.
When Waveform is set to Double Saw, Detuned Saw
1, or Detuned Saw 2, Wave Morph controls the
volume of the second Sawtooth wave.
Wave Morph is not available when the Waveform is
set to Saw, Pulse, or Triangle.
AMS [List of AMS Sources]
This selects an AMS source to control Wave Morph.
For a list of AMS sources, see “AMS (Alternate
Modulation Source) List” on page 967.
AMS Intensity [–100…+100]
This controls the depth and direction of the AMS
modulation for Wave Morph.
Pulse Width/Phase/Detune [000…100]
The name and function of this parameter changes
depending on the Waveform selection, above.
When the Waveform is set to Pulse or Saw/Pulse, this
is named Pulse Width, and controls the width of the
Pulse waveform. For details, see “More on Pulse
Width,” below.
When Waveform is set to Double Saw, it is named
Phase, and controls the phase relationship between the
two Sawtooth waves.
When Waveform is set to Detuned Saw 1 or 2, this is
named Detune, and controls the detune amount
between the two Saws. The adjustments are in half-
cent increments, so that 0 = 0 cents, 50 = 25 cents, and
100 = 50 cents. Saw 1 is tuned up, and Saw 2 is tuned
down, so that the tonal center is maintained.
More on Pulse Width
Pulse waveforms are simple, rectangular shapes. The
Pulse Width sets the percentage of the waveform spent
in the “up” position. A few examples are shown in the
diagram below. Note that a square wave is just a pulse
wave with the width set to 50%.
The width controls the timbre of the oscillator, from
pure and hollow at 50% (a square wave) to thin and
reedy at the extremes.
At settings of 0 and 100–or when the Pulse Width is
modulated to these values via AMS– the Pulse wave
will be silent, since these eliminate the “pulse”
Pulse waveform at different widths
The real magic of the pulse wave comes when you
modulate the width, using the AMS source and
intensity below. Try using a medium-speed triangle
LFO, or a sweeping EG.
AMS [List of AMS Sources]
This selects an AMS source to control Pulse
Width/Phase/Detune. For a list of AMS sources, see
“AMS (Alternate Modulation Source) List” on
page 967.
AMS Intensity [–100…+100]
This controls the depth and direction of the AMS
modulation for Width/Phase/Detune.
Waveform Type and Modulatable Parameters
Waveform Type Morph
Pulse Width/
n/a n/a
n/a Pulse Width
Xfade between saw
and pulse
Pulse Width
Double Saw
Volume of 2nd saw Phase
Detuned Saw 1
Volume of 2nd saw Detune
Detuned Saw 2
Volume of 2nd saw
Detune and PWM
n/a n/a
Xfade between
square & triangle
Pulse Width = 10% Pulse Width = 25%
Pulse Width = 75%Pulse Width = 50%