
Delay 083: Stereo Dynamic Delay
L Delay Time [msec] [0.0…1000.0]
Sets the delay time for the left channel.
R Delay Time [msec] [0.0…1000.0]
Sets the delay time for the right channel.
L Depth [0…200]
Sets the depth of the left LFO modulation.
R Depth [0…200]
Sets the depth of the right LFO modulation.
L Feedback [+/–100]
Sets the feedback amount of left delay.
R Feedback [+/–100]
Sets the feedback amount of right delay.
This is the standard effects output section, with
modulatable control over wet/dry balance. For more
information, see “OUTPUT” on page 764.
CONTROL: Dmod Modulation
When the modulation source is used for control, this
parameter reverses the left and right modulation
LFO: L LFO Phase [degrees], R LFO Phase [degrees],
Dmod Sync, and Source
If Dmod Sync is On, the LFO will be reset by the
modulation source that is received.
The Source parameter sets the modulation source that
resets the LFO. For example, you can assign Gate as a
modulation source so that the sweep always starts
from the specified point.
L LFO Phase and R LFO Phase set the phase obtained
when the left and right LFOs are reset. In this way, you
can create changes in pitch sweep for the left and right
channels individually.
The effect is off when a value of the modulation
source specified in the Source parameter is 63 or
smaller, and the effect is on when the value is 64 or
higher. The LFO is triggered and reset to the “L LFO
Phase” and “R LFO Phase” settings when the value
changes from 63 or smaller to 64 or higher.
083: Stereo Dynamic Delay
This stereo delay controls the level of delay according
to the input signal level. You can use this as a ducking
delay that applies delay to the sound only when you
play keys at a high velocity or only when the volume
level is low.
Target [None, Output Level, Feedback]
Selects the modulation target for the input signal.
Polarity [+, –]
Reverses level control. p.833.
Offset [0…100]
Sets the offset of level control. p.833.
Threshold [0…100]
Sets the level to which the effect is applied. p.833.
Attack [1…100]
Sets the attack time of level control. p.834.
Release [1…100]
Sets the release time of level control. p.834.
L Delay Time [msec] [0.0…1360.0]
Sets the delay time for the left channel.
R Delay Time [msec] [0.0…1360.0]
Sets the delay time for the right channel.
Feedback [+/–100]
Sets the feedback amount.
High Damp [%] [0…100]
Sets the damping amount in the high range. p.829.
Low Damp [%] [0…100]
Sets the damping amount in the low range. p.829.
Spread [+/–100]
Sets the width of the stereo image of the effect sound.
This is the standard effects output section, with
modulatable control over wet/dry balance. For more
information, see “OUTPUT” on page 764.
CONTROL: Polarity, Offset, and Threshold
The “Offset” parameter specifies the value for the
“Target” parameter (that is set to None), expressed as
the ratio relative to the parameter value (the
“Wet/Dry” value with “Target”=Output level, or the
“Feedback” value with “Target”=Feedback).
Wet / Dry
Wet / Dry
Stereo In - Stereo Out
High Damp Low Damp
High Damp
Low Damp
Control Target
Attack, Release