Modulation and Pitch Shift 062: Stereo Envelope Tremolo
Frequency [Hz] [0.02…20.00]
This sets the LFO speed, in Hz. It applies only when
MIDI/Tempo Sync, below, is Off.
Source [Off…Tempo]
This selects a modulation source for the Frequency.
Amount [–20.00…+20.00]
This sets the Frequency modulation amount, in Hz.
MIDI/Tempo Sync [Check-box]
BPM [MIDI, 40.00…240.00]
Base Note […]
Times [x1…x32]
When MIDI/Tempo Sync is on, the LFO speed is set by
BPM, Base Note, and Times, instead of Frequency. For
more information, see “MIDI/Tempo Sync” on
page 777.
Type [Individual, Common1, Common2]
This controls whether the effect uses its individual
LFO, or one of the Common FX LFOs. For more
information, see “LFO Type” on page 777.
Common LFO Phase Offset [degrees] [+/–180]
When Type is set to Common FX LFO 1 or 2, this lets
you offset the phase from the master LFO.
This is the standard effects output section, with
modulatable control over wet/dry balance. For more
information, see “OUTPUT” on page 764.
062: Stereo Envelope Tremolo
This effect uses the input signal level to modulate a
stereo tremolo (LFO volume modulation). For instance,
you can create a tremolo effect that becomes deeper
and faster as the input gets more quiet.
Sensitivity [0…100]
Sets the envelope’s sensitivity to the input signal.
Shape [+/–100]
Sets the envelope’s curvature.
Depth [0…100]
Sets the initial amount of tremolo.
Envelope Amount [+/–100]
Sets the amount added to or subtracted from the Depth
when the envelope is at maximum.
Modulation Example
The graphic below shows an example of tremolo
modulation with negative modulation of both Depth
and Frequency. At the start of the note, the input is at
maximum volume. This slows down the LFO
Frequency to 1.0Hz, but also modulates the Depth to
0–so the tremolo doesn’t have any effect.
As the input volume dies down, the Frequency speeds
up; the Depth also increases, making the tremolo effect
increasingly audible. When the input volume
approaches silence, the Depth is at its maximum (100)
and Frequency is at 8Hz.
Waveform [Triangle, Sine, Vintage]
Selects the LFO Waveform.
Shape [+/–100]
Changes the curvature of the LFO Waveform. p.780.
Phase [degrees] [–180…+180]
Sets the LFO phase difference between the left and
right. p.814.
Frequency [Hz] [0.02…20.00]
Sets initial speed of the LFO. p.815.
Envelope Amount [Hz] [–20.00…+20.00]
Sets the amount added to or subtracted from the
Frequency when the envelope is at maximum. p.815.
Wet / Dry
Wet / Dry
Stereo In - Stereo Out
LFO Phase
LFO Shape
Envelope Sens
LFO: Tri/Sin/Vintage
Envelope Shape
LFO Frequency[Hz]=8.0
Envelope Amount[Hz]= –7.0Hz
Envelope Amount= –100
Input Volume