
EXi: AL-1 Analog Synthesizer
Tone Adjust
AL-1 Tone Adjust Default Settings
Tone Adjust provides an elegant physical interface to
the AL-1’s parameters. Most of the factory sounds use
the default layout, as shown above. You can also
customize the layout for individual sounds, if desired.
For more information about Tone Adjust, please see
“0–9f: Tone Adjust,” on page 26.
AL-1 Tone Adjust parameters
The AL-1 supports all of the Common Tone Adjust
parameters, as described under “0–9f: Tone Adjust,” on
page 26. It also adds a number of its own additional
parameters, which apply only to the AL-1.
Note that these additional parameters are separate for
each EXi, as opposed to being shared by both EXi in
the Program.
All of the additional parameters are listed below. Each
is marked as either relative (meaning that it scales the
existing parameter value) or absolute (which over-
writes the existing value).
Oscillator 1
Tune (absolute)
Waveform (absolute)
Morph (absolute)
Morph AMS Intensity (absolute)
Detune/Pulse Width (absolute)
Detune/Pulse Width AMS Intensity (absolute)
Oscillator 2
Oscillator 2 has the same Tone Adjust parameters as
Oscillator 1, above.
Oscillators common
Sync On/Off (absolute)
FM Amount (absolute)
FM AMS Intensity (absolute)
OSC 1 level (absolute)
OSC 2 level (absolute)
Sub OSC/Audio Input level (absolute)
Ring Mod level (absolute)
Noise level (absolute)
Filter A
In addition to the standard Tone Adjust filter
parameters, the AL-1 adds the following:
Type (absolute)
Cutoff (absolute)
Resonance (absolute)
Frequency EG Intensity (absolute)
Frequency LFO Intensity (absolute)
Filter B
Filter B has the same Tone Adjust parameters as Filter
A, above.
AMS 1 Intensity (absolute)
AMS 2 Intensity (absolute)
Drive (absolute)
Low Boost (absolute)
Switches 1–5:
Mixer Mutes
OSC 1, OSC 2,
Sub OSC/Audio,
Ring Mod,
Switches 1–5:
Mixer Mutes
OSC 1, OSC 2,
Sub OSC/Audio,
Ring Mod,
Oscillators 1 & 2
AMS Intensity
Oscillators 1 & 2
AMS Intensity
Filters A & B
EG Intensity
Filters A & B
EG Intensity
LFOs 1 & 2
LFOs 1 & 2
FM AmountFM Amount DriveDrive
EG 1 (Filter) ADSREG 1 (Filter) ADSR Amp EG ADSRAmp EG ADSR
Switch 6:
Sync On/Off
Switch 6:
Sync On/Off
Switches 7 & 8:
LFOs 1 & 2
Switches 7 & 8:
LFOs 1 & 2