Effect Guide
Pan [L000…C064…R127]
Sets the stereo image.
Wet/Dry [Dry, 1:99…99:1, Wet]
Sets the balance between the effect and the dry input.
Source [Off…Tempo]
Selects a modulation source for Wet/Dry.
Amount [+/–100]
Sets the modulation amount for Wet/Dry.
Pre EQ
Trim [0…100]
Sets the EQ input level.
LEQ Gain [dB] [–15…+15]
Sets the gain of the Low EQ.
HEQ Gain [dB] [–15…+15]
Sets the gain of the High EQ.
Emphasis Frequency [0…70]
Sets the frequency range to be emphasized. p.775.
Exciter Blend [+/–100]
Sets the intensity (depth) of the Exciter effect. p.775.
Pan [L000…C064…R127]
Sets the stereo image.
Wet/Dry [Dry, 1:99…99:1, Wet]
Sets the balance between the effect and the dry input.
Source [Off…Tempo]
Selects a modulation source for Wet/Dry.
Amount [+/–100]
Sets the modulation amount for Wet/Dry.
For more information on these parameters, see
“DRIVE” on page 788.
Drive Mode [Overdrive, Hi-Gain]
Switches between overdrive and high-gain distortion.
Drive [1…100]
Sets the degree of distortion.
Output Level [0…50]
Sets the output level.
Source [Off…Tempo]
Selects the modulation source for the output level.
Amount [–50…+50]
Sets the modulation amount of the output level.
Low Fc [Hz] [20…1.00k]
Sets the center frequency for Low EQ (shelving type).
Gain [dB] [–18…+18]
Sets the gain of the Low EQ.
Mid1 Fc [Hz] [300…10.00k]
Sets the center frequency for Mid/High EQ 1 (peaking
Q [0.5…10.0]
Sets the band width of Mid/High EQ 1. p.773.
Gain [dB] [–18…+18]
Sets the gain of Mid/High EQ 1.
Mid2 Fc [Hz] [500…20.00k]
Sets the center frequency for Mid/High EQ 2 (peaking
Q [0.5…10.0]
Sets the band width of Mid/High EQ 2. p.773.
Gain [dB] [–18…+18]
Sets the gain of Mid/High EQ 2.
Pan [L000…C064…R127]
Sets the stereo image.
Wet/Dry [Dry, 1:99…99:1, Wet]
Sets the balance between the effect and the dry input.
Source [Off…Tempo]
Selects a modulation source for Wet/Dry.
Amount [+/–100]
Sets the modulation amount for Wet/Dry.
Sweep Mode [Auto, Dmod, LFO]
Selects the control from auto-wah, modulation source,
and LFO. See “Sweep Mode” on page 776.
Source [Off…Tempo]
Selects the modulation source for the wah when Sweep
LFO Frequency [Hz] [0.02…20.00]
Sets the LFO speed.