Dynamics 004: St.Multiband Compressor
This multimode filter applies only to the control signal,
and not to the main audio path. Use it to alter the
response of the expander so that it reacts (or does not
react) only to specific frequencies. The parameters are
the same as for the Stereo Compressor; for more
information, see “SIDE CHAIN EQ” on page 765.
Ratio [1.0 :1…10.0 :1]
Sets the signal compression ratio.
Threshold [dB] [–40…0]
Sets the level above which the compressor is applied.
For more information, see “Threshold [dB]” on
page 766.
Soft Knee Width [dB] [0…30]
Sets the curve at which compression is applied. p.766.
Attack [msec] [0.45…500.0]
Sets the attack time. For more information, see “Attack
[msec]” on page 766.
Release [msec] [5…5000]
Sets the release time. For more information, see
“Release [msec]” on page 766.
Lookahead [Check-box]
Switches level detection look-ahead (expander input
delay) on/off. For more information, see “Lookahead”
on page 766.
Gain Adjust [dB] [–Inf, –38…+24]
Sets the output gain.
Source [Off…Tempo]
Selects the modulation source for the output gain.
Amount [–63…+63]
Sets the modulation amount of the output gain.
This is the standard effects output section, with
modulatable control over wet/dry balance. For more
information, see “OUTPUT” on page 764.
004: St.Multiband Compressor
This stereo effect divides the input signal into four
bands, low through high, with separate dynamics
control of each band. While it’s named a “compressor,”
it’s actually much more than that. It can be used as a
compressor, expander, gate, or EQ–with each band
performing a different function, if desired.
The dynamics processing works somewhat differently
than a standard compressor/expander. For more
information, see “Range [dB],” below.
Slope [6dB Oct, 12dB Oct, 18dB Oct, 24dB Oct]
Selects the steepness of the crossover filters.
Frequency 1-2 [Hz] [40…240]
Sets the frequency at which bands 1 and 2 are divided.
Frequency 2-3 [Hz] [100…6.00k]
Sets the frequency at which bands 2 and 3 are divided.
Frequency 3-4 [Hz] [2.00k…16.00k]
Sets the frequency at which bands 3 and 4 are divided.
Knee [Soft, 0.01…0.74, Hard]
This effectively controls both the onset/offset shape of
the dynamics processing, and (in conjunction with
Range), the compression/expansion ratio.
For more information, see “Range [dB],” below.
Output Gain [dB] [–18.0…+18.0]
Sets the overall output gain.
Bands 1-4
Each of the four bands has identical parameters.
Solo [Check-box]
Use this setting to audition the processed sound of
each band.
If this is On, the output of other bands will be muted. If
this is On for more than one band, only the bands for
which this is On will be heard. Normally, this should
be turned Off for all bands.
Bypass [Check-box]
You can bypass compression for each band
When this is On, you’ll hear the band’s un-compressed
Threshold [dB] [–80.0…0.0]
The compression/expansion functions only in a range
around the Threshold level. Signals outside of this
range are not affected.
For more information, see “Range [dB],” below.
Wet / Dry
Wet / Dry
Stereo In - Stereo Out
4-way Crossover4-way Crossover
Envelope Control
Envelope Control
Envelope Control
Envelope Control