
CCs/Pitch Group Random Weighting Parameters
Not available in Phase 2 when Pitch Offsets are
being used.
CC Mode [0…5]
Not available in Phase 2 when Pitch Offsets are
being used.
0: Pattern
When 0: Pattern is selected, the Pattern Grids will be
used to generate the assigned CC/Bend.
The 1–5: Index to options allow the data to be
generated based on the position of the index in the
Note Series from left to right. For example, when set to
1: Index to 0…127, the index of the note in the Note
Series (about to be generated) is compared to the
minimum and maximum indexes that will be
generated according to the current settings and scaled
into a value from 0–127 so that the first index to be
used generates 0 and the last 127, with indexes in
between being scaled accordingly. The Polarity button
can invert this for the opposite effect (127–0). Can be
useful for simulating stereo miking of an instrument
like a piano or harp (with Pan data CC 10), or for
simply tracking the movement of the indexes with any
other CC data. The Pattern Grid described above will
not be available.
1: Index to 0…127
Scales generated notes into CC or Pitch Bend values 0–
2: Index to 24…108
Scales generated notes into CC or Pitch Bend values
3: Index to 32…96
Scales generated notes into CC or Pitch Bend values
4: Index to 0…64
Scales generated notes into CC or Pitch Bend values 0–
5: Index to 64…127
Scales generated notes into CC or Pitch Bend values
Polarity [0, 1]
0: Regular (+)
The CC Pattern is sent out as originally created.
1: Inverted (–)
The CC Pattern is inverted; i.e. 0 is sent out as 127, 127
is sent out as 0, 96 is sent out as 32, etc. This allows the
same pattern to be used in two different directions.
Random Weighting Parameters
The Random Weighting Parameters are made available
when at least one step (column) in the CC Pattern has
multiple values selected (constituting a “random pool”
of values).
For more information, see “Rhythm Group” on
page 909 and “Random Weighting Parameters - Pools”
on page 911.
Pools-Random Factor [–99…+99]
For more information, see “Rhythm Group” on
page 909 and “Pools-Random Factor” on page 911.
Pools-Weighting Curve [0…3]
For more information, see “Rhythm Group” on
page 909, “Pools-Weighting Curve” on page 911,
“Appendices” on page 960, and “Random Weighting
Curves” on page 961.
The following table summarizes the effect of the
various Weighting Curves and the Factor field on the
choices from the CC Pools:
Note: Turning on the Weighting Curve Inversion Row
button causes the opposite behavior specified above
(in that step).
Pitches-Random Factor [–99…+99]
Controls the shape of the weighting curve being
applied to the top part of the CC Pattern Grid (Pitches).
For more information, see “Rhythm Group” on
page 909 and “Random Weighting Parameters - Pools”
on page 911.
This is valid only if the GE settings make the Phase
2 CC pattern specify Pitch Offset values.
Pitches-Weighting Curve [0…3]
Chooses a weighting curve shape for the top part of the
CC Pattern Grid (Pitches).
For more information, see “Rhythm Group” on
page 909, “Random Weighting Parameters - Pools” on
page 911, and “Random Weighting Curves” on
page 961.
This is valid only if the GE settings make the Phase
2 CC pattern specify Pitch Offset values.
0: Pattern 3: Index to 32…96
1: Index to 0…127 4: Index to 0…64
2: Index to 24…108 5: Index to 64…127
0: Regular (+) 1: Inverted (–)
0: Exponential 2: Exp-S
1: Logarithmic 3: Log-S
CC Pool values that receive priority:
+ (positive) – (negative)
higher in grid lower in grid
middle higher/lower
0: Exponential 2: Exp-S
1: Logarithmic 3: Log-S