
KARMA GE guide
Envelope Group
Each Generated Effect has 3 envelopes which can be
applied to various options such as Velocity, Tempo,
Pitch Bend, Duration, Repeat Time, and any CC
(Control Change).
About Envelopes
For those of you familiar with synthesizer envelopes,
these are standard ADSR Envelopes, with the addition
of a Start Level. For those who are not, ADSR stands
for “Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release”. When the
envelope is triggered in some fashion like a key being
depressed, the envelope starts at the Start Level and
moves to the Attack Level in the amount of time
specified by Attack Time. This is the “Attack Phase” of
the envelope. Once the envelope reaches the Attack
Level, it then immediately continues to the Sustain
Level in the amount of time specified by Decay Time.
This is the “Decay Phase”. When it reaches the Sustain
Level, it will remain there until some event causes it to
enter the “Release Phase,” typically a key being
released. The envelope then moves to the Release
Level in the amount of time specified by Release Time.
An envelope simply describes the shape of some
function, and the time that it takes. In the case of
KARMA GE, the function is either a
crescendo/decrescendo of the velocity levels of the
notes in the phrase, an accelerando/ritard of the speed
at which the notes are generated, an overall sweeping
of the pitch, a continuous varying of a selected CC
(MIDI Control Change), etc.
Note that in the case of Velocity Envelopes, the
envelope’s shape is subtractive to the Initial Velocity
Level generated according to the “Velocity Mode”
Parameter. (p.923) The loudest value the envelope
will produce is the Initial Velocity received. However,
when low Initial Velocities are received, the Envelope
is automatically scaled so that a consistent shape is
maintained regardless of the value. In other words, the
Envelope will be compressed to the degree that the
Initial Velocity is less than 127. For more information
on Initial Velocity, see Velocity Group/“Velocity
When and how the Envelopes will be triggered is
determined by the Envelope Trigger Parameters
(Envelope1, Envelope2, Envelope3: “Trigger”) in the
KARMA Module parameters. For more information,
see “7–4b: Module Parameter-Trigger” on page 108.
In addition to being triggered by the keyboard, the
envelopes can also be selectively triggered at Phase
Changes according to settings in the Phase Group.
The parameters are the same for all three of the
envelopes, and are discussed below.
On/Off (Envelope On/Off) [0, 1]
Turns on the corresponding envelope, and makes its
parameters operative.
Note: Even if the envelope is properly activated, you
may not be hearing any effect if the “Transmit MIDI
Filter: Envelope1/Envelope2/Envelope3” parameters
(PG p.102) have been set to filter out the data that
KARMA is generating.
Envelope Type [0…127]
Selects the function that the envelope performs. The
first six settings are specific predetermined types,
while the others allow any MIDI CC Message to be
sent by the envelope.
0: [VE] Velocity
Controls the crescendo and decrescendo of the Riff,
much like an Amplitude Envelope controls the volume
on a synthesizer. The envelope’s range of 0–99 is scaled
into 0–127, which is then combined with the actual
0: Off 1: On
0: [VE] Velocity
1: [TA] Tempo-Absolute
2: [TR] Tempo-Relative
3: [PB] Pitch Bend
4: [DU] Duration
5: [RT] Repeat Time
6: [00] Bank Select
7…100: [#00…#95] CCs (Control Changes)
101…127: [N/A]