KARMA GE guide
13, 14, 15, 17 & 18 not available when “GE Type”
(“GE Type” on page 897) is 3: Real-Time.
Force Bend If Zero [0, 1]
When using next or previous note bending, if the two
pitches to be bent between are adjacent, a bend of zero
can result (no bend). When Force Bend If Zero is 1: On,
a bend will be created anyway, with an appropriate
automatically calculated amount. This allows each
note to have an audible bend, even if it technically
shouldn’t, thereby maintaining an illusion of
continuous bending (useful for synth bass lines, for
example). When 0: Off, no bends will be created
between notes of the same pitch (useful for acoustic
and electric bass lines, for example).
Not available unless Amount is set to one of the
Next or Previous Note settings.
Shape [0…2]
Selects one of Three different overall shapes for the
resulting bend. 0: Bend is a single bend to a destination
pitch, while the “Hammer” settings bend to the pitch
and back. See the Appendices: “Using Auto Bend”.
0: Bend
Bends the current note to whichever note or by
whichever semitone size is selected in the “Amount”
parameter. The timing and length of the bend is
determined by the “Length,” “Start %” and “End %”
parameters. (☞p.946) Useful for portamento
simulation and ethnic bending effects, among others.
1: Hammer
Bends the current note to whichever note or by
whichever semitone size is selected in the “Amount”
parameter, then back to the current pitch. The timing
and length of the bend is determined by the “Length,”
“Start %” and “End %” parameters, and the “Width %”
parameter. Useful for guitar hammer-on effects, among
2: Hammer Bend
Bends the current note to whichever note or by
whichever semitone size is selected in the “Amount”
parameter (☞p.945), then back to the current pitch,
then again to the note or pitch selected in the
“Amount” parameter. The timing and length of the
bend is determined by the “Length,” “Start %” and
“End %” parameters, and the “Width %” parameter.
Useful for ethnic bending effects, among others.
Alternation [0, 1]
When set to 1: Alternating, causes alternate bends to
flip back and forth between the + and -. For example, if
the “Amount” parameter is set to +12, then the bends
produced with a series of notes will be {+12, -12, +12, -
12…} etc. When Next/Previous Note Bending is
selected, it will alternate between Next and Previous.
For example, if 13: Next Note is selected in the size
Menu, then the bends will be {Next, Prev, Next,
Prev…} etc.
Step Mode [0…12]
Sets whether the bends will be smooth (continuous) or
divided into steps (glissando bends).
0: Smooth
Bends will be continuous, with a value sent out every
“n” milliseconds as specified by the Rate parameter.
1…12: 1 ST…12 ST (semitones)
Bends will be quantized to the semitone step size
selected, producing “glissando” bends. For example, if
the “Amount” parameter is set to 12 and Step Mode is
set to 2: 2 ST, then the resulting bend will be quantized
to 6 steps of 2 semitones each (a Whole tone scale.)
When one of the Semitone settings is selected, the Rate
parameter is not available.
Length [0…25]
Specifies an overall length for a “bend window”
within which the bend will take place, based on the
“Start %” and “End %” parameters. See the
Appendices: “Using Auto Bend”. (☞p.960)
0…23: Note values
Sets the overall length of each bend window to the
selected rhythm value; each bend will therefore be the
same length. Note that this is tempo dependent, so
changing tempo changes the length of the bend and
keeps the effect locked to tempo. If the length of the
bend is longer than the actual duration of the note with
which it is generated, part or all of the bend will not be
24: Fixed-ms
Makes available the “Fixed-ms” parameter. A length of
absolute time may then be specified in milliseconds for
each bend window. Note that this is independent of
any tempo settings. You might use this to keep the
same length and speed of a bend regardless of the
25: Note Duration
The duration of the note as it is generated is used as the
bend window, with the “Start %” and “End %”
parameters specifying where in the note’s duration the
bend will start and end. Each bend may therefore be a
different length, depending on the durations of the
notes. A 16th note duration will have a bend that is half
0: Off 1: On
0: Bend 1: Hammer 2: Hammer Bend
0: Off 1: Alternating
0: Smooth 1…12: 1 ST…12 ST
0: 64th triplet 9: 8th triplet 18: Whole triplet
1: 64th 10: 8th 19: Whole
2: 64th Dotted 11: 8th Dotted 20: Whole Dotted
3: 32th triplet 12: Quarter triplet 21: 2 bars
4: 32th 13: Quarter 22: 3 bars
5: 32th Dotted 14:
Dotted 23: 4 bars
6: 16th triplet 15: Half triplet 24: Fixed-ms
7: 16th 16: Half 25: Note Duration
8: 16th Dotted 17: Half Dotted