4.2.65 Capacitor life alarm (Pr. 503, Pr. 504)
Pr. 503 "capacitor life timer"
Pr. 504 "capacitor life alarm output setting time"
When the cumulative operation time of the inverter has elapsed the time set in Pr. 504 "capacitor life alarm
output set time", the capacitor life alarm output signal "Y95" is output to inform that it is time for replacement
(Note 1) of the smoothing capacitor in the main circuit of the inverter.
The life of electrolytic capacitor is about ten years (87600 hours) in the average yearly ambient temperature
of 40°C. (Note 2)
The life of electrolytic capacitor decreases to half if the ambient temperature increases by 10°C and doubles
if decreases by 10°C. Please note this as reference when setting the time.
For example, when the average yearly ambient temperature is 50°C, set "438" (43800 hours) in Pr. 504
Parameter Number Factory Setting Setting range
503 - -
(87600 hours)
0 to 9998, (9999)
Parameter Number Setting Description Remarks
503 -
Display the cumulative operation time
of the inverter in 100hours
increments. (write is not enabled)
Clamped at 9998 (999800h)
The capacitor life is counted every 1hours
and the figures above hundreds are
0 to 9998h
Set the time until the capacitor life
alarm output signal "Y95" is output.
By setting "95" (negative logic 195) in Pr.
190 to Pr. 195 "output terminal function
selection", the capacitor life alarm signal
"Y95" can be output. (Refer to page 162 .)
Set by the manufacturer. The set time
is a factory setting value.
Note: 1. For replacement of the capacitor, contact the nearest Mitsubishi FA center.
2. The estimated life time (87600 hours) of the capacitor differs according to the environmental
conditions (ambient temperature, conditions, etc.) of the inverter.
Related parameters
Pr. 190 to Pr. 195
(output terminal / function selection)
First power ON
Maintenance timer
(Pr. 503)
Y95 output / display
Pr. 504
Pr. 611 Refer to Pr. 57.