Replication Attributes under cn=ReplicationAgreementName, cn=replica, cn="suffixName", cn=mapping tree, cn=config
Parameter Description
Valid Range 0 to maximum 32-bit integer value (2147483647)
in seconds
Default Value 600
Syntax Integer
Example nsDS5ReplicaTimeout: 600 nsDS5ReplicaTransportInfo
This attribute sets the type of transport used for transporting data to and from the replica. The attribute
values can be either SSL, which means that the connection is established over SSL, or LDAP,
which means that regular LDAP connections are used. If this attribute is absent, then regular LDAP
connections are used. This attribute cannot be modified once it is set.
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=ReplicationAgreementName, cn=replica,
cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config
Valid Values SSL | LDAP
Default Value absent
Syntax DirectoryString
Example nsDS5ReplicaTransportInfo: LDAP nsDS5ReplicaUpdateInProgress
This read-only attribute states whether or not a replication update is in progress.
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=ReplicationAgreementName, cn=replica,
cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config
Valid Values true | false
Default Value
Syntax DirectoryString
Example nsDS5ReplicaUpdateInProgress: true nsDS5ReplicaUpdateSchedule
This multi-valued attribute specifies the replication schedule and can be modified. Changes made
to this attribute take effect immediately. Modifying this value can be useful to pause replication and
resume it later. For example, if this value to 0000-0001 0, this in effect causes the server to stop
sending updates for this replication agreement. The server continues to store them for replay later. If
the value is later changed back to 0000-2359 0123456, this makes replication immediately resume
and sends all pending changes.
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=ReplicationAgreementName, cn=replica,
cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config