stop-slapd (Stops the Directory Server)
There are no options for this script.
Exit Status Codes
Exit Code Description
0 Server started successfully.
1 Server could not be started.
2 Server was already started.
Table 7.14. start-slapd Exit Status Codes
7.3.17. stop-slapd (Stops the Directory Server)
Stops the Directory Server. It might be a good idea to check whether the server has been effectively
stopped using the ps command because it could sometimes be that the script returned while the
shutdown process was still on-going, resulting in a confusing message.
There are no options for this script.
Exit Status
Exit Code Description
0 Server stopped successfully.
1 Server could not be stopped.
2 Server was already stopped.
Table 7.15. stop-slapd Exit Status Codes
7.3.18. suffix2instance (Maps a Suffix to a Backend Name)
Maps a suffix to a backend name.
suffix2instance [ -s suffix ]
Option Description
-s Suffix to be mapped to the backend.
Table 7.16. suffix2instance Options