Chapter 3. Plug-in Implemented Server Functionality Reference
3.5.2. Database Link Attributes under cn=default instance config,
cn=chaining database, cn=plugins, cn=config
Default instance configuration attributes for instances are housed in the cn=default instance
config, cn=chaining database, cn=plugins, cn=config tree node. nsAbandonedSearchCheckInterval
This attribute shows the number of seconds that pass before the server checks for abandoned
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=default instance config, cn=chaining
database, cn=plugins, cn=config
Valid Range 0 to maximum 32-bit integer (2147483647)
Default Value 1
Syntax Integer
Example nsAbandonedSearchCheckInterval: 10 nsBindConnectionsLimit
This attribute shows the maximum number of TCP connections the database link establishes with the
remote server.
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=default instance config, cn=chaining
database, cn=plugins, cn=config
Valid Range 1 to 50 connections
Default Value 3
Syntax Integer
Example nsBindConnectionsLimit: 3 nsBindRetryLimit
Contrary to what the name suggests, this attribute does not specify the number of times a database
link retries to bind with the remote server but the number of times it tries to bind with the remote
server. A value of 1 here indicates that the database link only attempts to bind once.
Retries only occur for connection failures and not for other types of errors, such as
invalid bind DNs or bad passwords.
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=default instance config, cn=chaining
database, cn=plugins, cn=config